Includes information detailing the inner workings of the federal government. In addition to historical overviews and examinations of the day-to-day operations of each branch, topics covered include Constitutional duties and obligations of each branch, specifics related to eligibility, elections and appointments of key positions, changes since 1776, and the future of each branch.
This set focuses on the substance of American law, the processes that produce its legal principles, and the history of the Supreme Court, from its creation to the present. Almost 1,100 peer-reviewed articles cover concepts, cases, topics, personalities, institutions, events, and processes.
Provides an alphabetized and cross-referenced chronology of the history and content of the American Constitution from its creation and ratification, through case-by-case coverage of 200 years of interpretations.
In nearly 275 entries, this 3-vol. set examines landmark pieces of legislation, explaining the historical factors that led to the proposal of each act, looking at the adoption process and assessing each act's impact on American life. A great addition to collections in needof resources on government, civics, citizenship, history and the law.
This search engine searches across multiple US federal government databases, retrieving reports, articles and citations whilst providing direct links to selected resources available online.