Writing tutors will be available to review papers online. Review the instructions below and then send a completed email with your paper attached to tutoringcenter@tctc.edu.
Review the Paper Review Policies and Requirements:
Students may submit papers written for any subject area.
Each paper may be submitted twice for feedback
Papers must be sent from your TCTC email address
Papers should be submitted at least two full weekdays before the paper is due. Tutors review during scheduled working hours, and those do not include weekends.
Papers should be sent as attachments (not in the body of an e-mail). Attachments should be Microsoft Word documents (.doc or .docx file formats). Please do not send Sharepoint links, they do not open correctly.
Papers should be complete, including parenthetical citations and sources (if documentation is required).
Include the following in the body of the email:
The instructor's name
The name of the course
The time and place the course meets (ex. Econ 203 online; History 210, 5:30 P.M. at Hamilton Career Center; English 101, 8:00 A.M. at Wren High School; or English 101 at 5:00 P.M. in Oconee Hall 207)
The type/purpose of the assignment-comparison/contrast, summary, research, illustration, article, book report, lab report, process, report, response to reading, summary, analysis, persuasive paragraph, portfolio, etc.
The date the paper is due
Any additional information to help the tutor understand the requirements of the assignment, such as a rubric or the assignment details.