Provides full-text articles from a wide range of publications from specialized to general interest. This database covers a variety of scientific subjects, including astronomy, biology, chemistry, environment, genetics, physics, and zoology. Full-text articles include graphs, charts, diagrams, photos and illustrations.
Resource includes journals, books, conference proceedings and science news resources. Subjects covered include, but are not limited to physics, materials science, biosciences, astronomy and astrophysics, environmental sciences, mathematics and education.
Search Primo for coverage 2012-Present. A weekly international journal publishing peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology on the basis of its originality, importance, interdisciplinary interest, timeliness, accessibility, elegance and surprising conclusions. Nature also provides rapid, authoritative, insightful and arresting news and interpretation of topical and coming trends affecting science, scientists and the wider public.
Provides information on today's most significant science topics through reference content, academic journals, experiments, images, etc. Subjects include, but not limited to biology, chemistry, earth and environmental science, physics, etc.
Covers topics including biology, chemistry, earth & space science, environment, health & medicine, history of science, life science, physics, science & society, scientists, technology, and wildlife.
These databases pull information from all academic research areas, including biology and the other sciences. Keep in mind when searching that you'll see results from psychology, anthropology and the humanities as well as those relevant to biology research.
A broad subject database which includes peer-reviewed journals, magazines, reference sets and podcasts covering the areas of criminal justice, history, economics, marketing, and psychology. Also includes podcasts and transcripts from NPR and CNN as well as videos from BBC Worldwide Learning.
This database provides full-text magazines, reference books and primary source documents. It also includes an extensive image collection containing photos, maps and flags.
A comprehensive, diverse, and relevant multidisciplinary research database of resources. It provides access to databases across all major subject areas, including business, health and medical, social sciences, arts and humanities, education, science and technology, and religion. The collection includes thousands of full-text scholarly journals, trade and professional titles, newspapers, magazines, dissertations, working papers, case studies, market reports, etc.
A general database covering aspects of modern life including arts, business, computers, education, health/medicine, history, literature, news, pop culture, religion, science, and more. Provides full text, indexing and abstracts for a broad selection of periodicals.
Contains full-text articles, indexing, and abstracts from essential biology and agricultural research journals. Subjects include agricultural industry, veterinary science, wildlife management and environmental science.
With broad coverage of agriculture and its related fields, this collection provides content covering practical aspects of farming to cutting-edge scientific research in horticulture.
Provides full text for more than 1,300 journals indexed in CINAHL. Full text is provided for many of the most-used journals in the CINAHL index, with no embargo. CINAHL Complete also provides indexing for more than 4,000 journals, and provides additional nursing and allied health research material including health care books, select conference proceedings, evidence-based care sheet and quick lesson disease overviews.
Intended for students, knowledgeable consumer health researchers, and health care professionals. Reliable resource for up-to-date information on the complete range of health care topics. Contains full-text periodicals, reference books, pamphlets, and hundreds of videos demonstrating medical procedures and live surgeries.
Full-text database providing access to top-tier biomedical and health journals.
Database providing full text access for hundreds of top biomedical and health journals indexed in MEDLINE. Many journals are available with current issues available, so doctors, nurses, health professionals and researchers can access information as soon as it is published.
A full-text archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM).
Research database covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. This collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles includes content on global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, etc.
Focuses on the physical, social, and economic aspects of environmental issues such as energy systems, health care, agriculture, climate change, population, and economic development. The resource offers nearly 400 topic, state, and province pages across the science, social studies, and humanities curriculum, including Water Privatization, Ecotourism, Air Pollution, Green Economy, etc.
Resource that answers inquiries about environmental concerns from a variety of reliable sources as well as book reference content from Delmar, including Soil, Science, and Management; Introduction to Agronomy; Food, Crops, & Environment; Fundamental Soil Science, etc.