These commonly-used resources are held at the Learning Commons libraries. The titles shown here are mostly frequently-used manuals and references you might use day-to-day in your career; please feel free to suggest others to be added!
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A comprehensive, illustrated dictionary of terms for engineering students containing entries covering the areas of engineering science, electrical and electronic engineering, workshop practices and mechanical engineering.
This thoroughly updated resource offers complete details on traditional, advanced, and emerging manufacturing engineering processes. All new topics include cloud computing, Internet of Things, 3D printing, nano manufacturing and advanced manufacturing, and operations research.
This is the most comprehensive dictionary of maintenance and reliability terms ever compiled, covering the process, manufacturing, and other related industries, every major area of engineering used in industry, and more. The entries are all alphabetically arranged and include special features to encourage usage and understanding. They are supplemented by hundreds of figures and tables that clearly demonstrate the principles & concepts behind important process control, instrumentation, reliability, machinery, asset management, lubrication, corrosion, and much much more.
Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers by E. A. Avallone; Theodore Baumeister
Comprehensive in scope, this title's range spans terms encountered in the practice of architecture from Classical to green, from traditional materials to the latest products, from precise definitions of architectural styles to the particulars of specifications writing.
The Gypsum Construction Handbook by R. S. Means Company Staff
Call Number: TA455 .G9 G96 2009 REF
Publication Date: 2009
DEWALT® Construction Safety and OSHA Handbook by Daniel Johnson
One of the most widely recognized and respected resources for architects, engineers, and designers, bringing together the knowledge, techniques, and skills of some of the most well-known experts in the field.
This invaluable guide provides a creative, informative, and practical introduction to the general principles of information design. With chapters on understanding the audience, structure, legibility and readability, selection of media, experimentation, and multi-platform delivery, An Introduction to Information Design gives a complete overview of this fundamental aspect of visual communication.
A concise overview of the fundamental ideas that inform Geographic Information Science. It provides detailed descriptions of the concepts and techniques that anyone using GIS software must fully understand to analyze spatial data.
This encyclopedic dictionary offers information on the art and science of stereoscopic 3D, including still and moving images; film and digital image acquisition; production, post-production, distribution, and exhibition; and human visual perception.
his updated edition includes the most recent terms relating to constantly expanding computer and internet technology. More than 3,200 terms and definitions deal with -- practical guidance for business software users; computer security, law, and ethics; computer programming, with examples in several computer languages; internet culture and latest developments.
Written in an easily accessible style, this unrivaled study aid and reference tool is specifically designed to support those taking computer courses or courses where computers are used, including GCSE, A-Level, ECDL and 14-19 Diplomas in Functional Skills in schools and further education colleges.
The Dictionary of Computing provides coverage of the terms used in computing, including hardware, software, programme languages, networks and applications, e-commerce and the Internet.