Delivers comprehensive international business intelligence compiled into a logical, user-friendly context. Contains business intelligence enhanced by statistical data.
*Thousands of global company, country and business topic overviews featuring detailed information as well as interactive rankings and statistics, with quick links to associated content.
*A profile for every UN recognized country.
*Global Histories, SWOT Reports, Thomson Reuters Company Financials and Investment Reports, Market Share Reports, and Industry Research Essays.
*Full-text articles from academic journals, business periodicals, newswires and other media outlets, with PDF and HTML download options.
*Hundreds of economic and business indicators that allow for analyses of economies, companies and industries.
*Case studies from Gale's CaseBase as well as from our publishing partners worldwide.
*More than 1,200 business executive video interviews and lessons for deeper insight into issues and decision-making.
*Thousands of interactive LiveCharts for economic and business indicators that let researchers generate their own analyses and custom charts for reports and presentations.
*A combination of extensive content with powerful analytical tools that enable students and researchers to gain a broad understanding of the increasingly global nature of modern business.
*Targeted searching by category: company, article, industry, and keyword. Search results can limited by Full Text Only, Peer Reviewed Only, Periodicals Only, and Publication dates and titles.
Contains full-text content and peer-reviewed business journals. It covers all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, accounting, banking, finance and more.
Contains 100 comprehensive country business guides covering more than 120 content modules each. Topics include business culture, business formation, investment climate, import process, export process, media outlets, advertising and marketing, seaports, taxation, security, etc.
If prompted for credentials (off campus), please contact the Library for access.
Research the climate, population, religion, attitudes, customs, and lifestyle of countries around the world. Includes primary source cultural & statistical country reports, states and Canadian provinces, native recipes, interviews, photos and video.
The Doing Business project from the World Bank provides objective measures of business regulations for local firms in 183 economies and selected cities at the subnational level. Topics include: starting a business, construction and property, getting credit, paying taxes, trading across borders, enforcing contracts and more.
Offers international viewpoints on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Explore issues within government, law, health, science and technology, society and culture, etc. This database integrates news, global viewpoints, reference materials, country information, primary source documents, videos, statistics, etc, Offers over 250 country pages and more than 400 issue pages. Commentaries provide background and guidance on significant topics like Food Security, Genocide, Human Rights, Extreme Weather, etc.
Features 174 country guides with 126 content modules each. Topics include culture & society, travel, education, history, holidays and festivals, language, media outlets, music, maps, money, national symbols, and religion. Contains downloadable illustrations with more than 30,000 photos, maps, and flag images.
Provides information on the history, people and society, government, economy, energy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for over 275 entities (countries). The Reference tab includes: a variety of world, regional, country, ocean, and time zone maps; Flags of the World; and a Country Comparison function that ranks the country information and data in more than 75 Factbook fields.
OECD Factbook is the best-selling, annual title from the OECD. It provides a global overview of todays major economic, social and environmental indicators. More countries than ever are covered in greater detail, enabling direct comparisons for many indicators between OECD Members and Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Russian Federation and South Africa.
Provides an overview and detailed analysis of the world economy; issues affecting industrial countries, developing countries, and economies in transition to market; and address topics of pressing current interest. Select "Countries" tab to see economic outlook information.
Research different countries' cultures and societies
From Encyclopedia of International Media and Communications The technological advances that govern our travel, business, and communication patterns today require cross-cultural communication. When decisions are made in a global marketplace, it is not possible to operate effectively only within the cultural premises of the communicator.
Process by which different parts of the globe become interconnected by economic, social, cultural, and political means. Globalization has become increasingly rapid since the 1970s and 1980s as a result of developments in technology, communications, and trade liberalization.
If prompted for credentials (off campus), please contact the Library for access.
Research the climate, population, religion, attitudes, customs, and lifestyle of countries around the world. Includes primary source cultural & statistical country reports, states and Canadian provinces, native recipes, interviews, photos and video.
Features 174 country guides with 126 content modules each. Topics include culture & society, travel, education, history, holidays and festivals, language, media outlets, music, maps, money, national symbols, and religion. Contains downloadable illustrations with more than 30,000 photos, maps, and flag images.
Click on the Enhanced Business Searching Interface link and choose Company Profiles or SWOT Analysis from the right hand column. Within each profile is an overview of the company, a business description, a history of the company, biographies of key employees (eg, directors), a listing of major products and services, and a SWOT analysis. You can also search for Industry and Country Profiles in the same interface.
Provides insight into topics relevant to entrepreneurship and small business ownership. Includes hundreds of full-text magazines, journals and books, plus thousands of company profiles and hundreds of videos.
Comprises thousands of company profiles, SWOT analyses, industry profiles, and 110+ country profiles. Also includes Databooks: Company Financial & Top Ten Industry Players Guide, Financial deals, news and opinions, Market Data Analytics.
Provides complete television and radio news transcripts from CBS News, CNN, CNN International, FOX News, NPR and more. Also provides cover-to-cover full text for hundreds of national (U.S.), international and regional newspapers.
Offers international viewpoints on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Explore issues within government, law, health, science and technology, society and culture, etc. This database integrates news, global viewpoints, reference materials, country information, primary source documents, videos, statistics, etc, Offers over 250 country pages and more than 400 issue pages. Commentaries provide background and guidance on significant topics like Food Security, Genocide, Human Rights, Extreme Weather, etc.
A complete reference on CSR, compiled by the Institute for Corporate Cultural Affairs (the ICCA). The entries have been written by leading experts, leading global thinkers and CSR practitioners.
A detailed yet concise handbook clarifying all the major terms needed for a thorough understanding of key research methodology concepts in business and management. An invaluable guide for students at all levels seeking assistance with projects, research proposals, dissertations and theses; including case studies and suggestions for further reading.
The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management covers a vast range of terminology from all areas of business including management, strategy, finance, human resources, economics, marketing, sales, insurance, and international business.