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Nursing Bootcamp Resources


We are committed to your success, which is why we offer free tutoring services for all of our students.  We encourage you to come early and often to stay on top of your class material.  Tutoring is meant to supplement the work required in your class by working through the concepts, ideas, and problems.

Schedule an online or in-person tutoring session today by calling 864-646-1367.

 Instructional Support in These Areas:

  • Nursing 
  • Writing for any Subject Area
  • Math
  • Science (Anatomy & Physiology, Biology, Chemistry and Physics)

Learning Strategies, Tips, Tools, and Workshops on Topics Like:

  • Study Techniques
  • Note-Taking Strategies
  • Plagiarism and How To Avoid It
  • Reading Skills for College
  • Controlling Procrastination
  • Test-Taking Tips
  • Technology at TCTC
  • Learn more....

Schedule Tutoring Sessions Early and Often

Online Paper Submissions

Writing tutors will be available to review papers online. Please submit them for review to


*Review policy details before submission.