Scientific study of human social behavior. As the study of humans in their collective aspect, sociology is concerned with all group activities—economic, social, political, and religious.
Although human social behavior has been studied since antiquity, the modern social sciences as disciplines rooted in the scientific method date only from the 18th cent. Enlightenment.
From Cambridge Dictionary of Sociology
The systematic reflection on the nature of society and social relationships, social theory is intimately tied to the fate of sociology as a discipline concerned with the empirical study of social life.
Study of how human beings allocate scarce resources to produce various commodities and how those commodities are distributed for consumption among the people in society.
Political science studies the distribution of power in different polities; the sources of power; how, when, and by whom it is exercised; as well as who gains and who loses in power struggles.
Science or study of the thought processes and behavior of humans and other animals in their interaction with the environment. Psychologists study processes of sense perception, thinking, learning, cognition, emotions and motivations, personality, abnormal behavior, interactions between individuals, and interactions with the environment.
The study of crime, society's response to it, and its prevention, including examination of the environmental, hereditary, or psychological causes of crime, modes of criminal investigation and conviction, and the efficacy of punishment or correction (see prison) as compared with forms of treatment or rehabilitation.
From Reader's guide to the social sciences
Economic sociology (or the sociology of economic phenomena) is situated at the intersection between economics and sociology. Its intellectual origins can be traced back to the work of Marx, Weber, and Durkheim at the end of the 19th century.
From The Blackwell Dictionary of Sociology Phenomenology is the study of conscious human experience in everyday life. As first developed by Alfred Schutz, phenomenological sociology is the study of the connection between human consciousness and social life.
From Cambridge dictionary of sociology
Social psychology continues to straddle the border between sociology and psychology. However, despite a number of theoretical concerns in common, sociological social psychology and psychological social psychology remain largely independent endeavors.