From Bloomsbury Dictionary of Myth Inti, in Inca myth, was the sun-god. Taking pity on the wretchedness of mortals, he sent them his son Manco Capac and daughter Mama Occlo to teach them civilization.
From The Columbia Encyclopedia Legendary founder of the Inca dynasty of Peru. According to the most frequently told story, four brothers, Manco Capac, Ayar Anca, Ayar Cachi, and Ayar Uchu, and their four sisters, Mama Ocllo, Mama Huaco, Mama Cura (or Ipacura), and Mama Raua, lived at Paccari-Tampu [tavern of the dawn], several miles distant from Cuzco.
From Bloomsbury Dictionary of Myth Ometecuhtli ('supreme duality'), in Aztec myth, was the first principle of the universe, on which all existence depended.
From Bloomsbury Dictionary of Myth Tezcatlipoca ('smoking mirror'), in Aztec myth, was the original Sun-god, but was toppled from the sky (in some accounts, by Quetzalcóatl) and became the god of darkness and sorcery, afraid of daylight.
From Bloomsbury Dictionary of Myth Tláloc ('growth-maker'), the Aztec rain-god, was responsible for the fertility of Mother Earth. His tools, lightning and thunder, were the divine equivalents of a mortal ploughshare and axe, and he kept four brimming water-tubs in each of his mountain-top palaces.
From Bloomsbury Dictionary of Myth Xochiquetzal ('flower feather'), in Aztec myth, was the goddess of flowers, fruit and music, the female equivalent of Xochipili.
From Holidays, Festivals, and Celebrations of the World Dictionary For about 100 years the Aztecs ruled much of Mexico until the invasion of the Spanish explorer Hernando Cortes and his troops in 1521.
From The Columbia Encyclopedia Town, SW Guatemala. In the heart of the highlands, Chichicastenango was a trading town in ancient times. It became the spiritual center of the Quiché after their defeat (1524) by Pedro de Alvarado.
From Holidays, Festivals, and Celebrations of the World Dictionary The Inti Raymi Festival, also known as the Inti Raymi Pageant, Sun Festival, or Feast of the Sun, is an ancient Winter Solstice festival celebrated by the Incas in Peru on June 24.
From Holidays, Festivals, and Celebrations of the World Dictionary Among the ancient Aztec people of what is now Mexico, the year was divided into 18 months of 20 days each, plus a five-day “unlucky” period.
From The Columbia Encyclopedia sacred book of the Quiché. The most important document of the cosmogony, religion, mythology, migratory traditions, and history of the Quiché.
From The Blackwell Dictionary of Sociology Totemic religion (or totemism) is a form of religious institution organized around a shared cultural belief in sacred objects called totems.