From Bloomsbury Dictionary of Myth Akongo, supreme Sky-spirit in the myths of the Ngombe people of the river Congo, created human beings and regretted it.
From Bloomsbury Dictionary of Myth Anansi ('spider'), in the myths of many West African peoples, was a trickster. He began his career as a creator-god, spinning the entire world at the request of the Great Sky-spirit, and was a shape-changer.
From Bloomsbury Dictionary of Myth Chuku ('great spirit'), also known as Chineke ('maker'), in the myths of the Ibo people of Nigeria, created the universe.
From Bloomsbury Dictionary of Myth Gauna (also known as Gawa and Gawama), in the myths of the Bushpeople of Botswana, was Death, leader of spirits. He lived in the Underworld, and was forever roaming the Upper World to snatch unwary mortals and carry them below.
From Bloomsbury Dictionary of Myth Mwambu and Sela, in the myths of the Abaluia people of Kenya, were First Man and First Woman. Their father, Wele the creator, made them so that the Sun would have people to shine for.
From Africa and the Americas: Culture, Politics, and History Ogun is a Yoruba divinity. He is god of metallurgy (iron) and war. He is an Orisha—an agent of God Almighty, Olodumare.
From Africa and the Americas: Culture, Politics, and History Orisha is the Yoruba term for a deity, or divinity. It is also spelled as orisa, or orixa, in Afro-Brazilian religions. These supernatural beings are part of a well-articulated belief system of the Yoruba that has existed for centuries.
From Bloomsbury Dictionary of Myth Sudika-Mbambi ('thunderbolt') and Kabundungulu ('thunder-from-the-West'), in the myths of the Mbundu people of Angola, were miraculous twins.
From Bloomsbury Dictionary of Myth Unkulunkulu ('ancient of days'), in the myths of the Amazulu people of South Africa, and known to the Ndebele people of Zimbabwe as Nkulnkulu, was the first power in existence.
From Holidays, Festivals, and Celebrations of the World Dictionary Agwunsi, or Agwu, is the god of healing and divination among the Igbo people of Nigeria. He is also the patron of doctors, because he gives herbs and other medicines their power to cure.
From Dictionary of World Philosophy From the Latin anima, i.e. soul, the term animism in general denotes the belief that things such as pebbles, rivers, planet Earth, and, some would say, the entire universe are animated or at least embody a life-principle.
One of the world's major religions, it predominates in Europe and the Americas, where it has been a powerful historical force and cultural influence, but it also claims adherents in virtually every country of the world.
From Greenwood Encyclopedia of International Relations
This is the indigenous Christian church in Egypt, some 1,700 years old and with ancient links to Ethiopia. It is comprised of Egyptian Christians who retained their faith after the arrival of Islam in Egypt in the eighth century.
Islam, one of the world’s great monotheistic religions, was founded (or restored) by the Prophet Muhammad (570-632 CE), who lived in Mecca and Medina on the Arabian Peninsula.
The practice of putting oneself into, and remaining in, direct relation with God, the Absolute, or any unifying principle of life. Mysticism is inseparably linked with religion.
Religious practitioner in various, generally small-scale societies who is believed to be able to diagnose, cure, and sometimes cause illness because of a special relationship with, or control over, spirits.
A form of animism involving trances and other rituals. Communication with the dead is a principal feature of voodoo. It is most common in the nations of the Caribbean Sea, especially Haiti, where people sometimes mingle voodoo and Christian practices.
A form of sorcery, or the magical manipulation of nature for self-aggrandizement, or for the benefit or harm of a client. This manipulation often involves the use of spirit-helpers, or familiars.