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Birds of a Feather: TCTC Learning Commons and Clemson Libraries for Bridge Students: Skillshops

The Learning Toolkit

Often times, we think about collegiate learning as just what we do in our classes, but success in those classes, and in our careers later on, depends just as much on another kind of learning, co-curricular learning – the skills, techniques, strategies, and understandings that help us do our best, not just in one course, but in all our courses.  Whether that’s sparking up our presentations, honing our teamwork skills, sharpening our critical thinking, whetting our investigatory chops, or gleaning new study strategies – skillshops help us take control of our own learning toolkit.


Skillshop Shorts

Even when you can’t make it to a skillshop session, you can dip into our Skillshop Shorts.  They’re quick and accessible videos snippets that insights into how we learn more effectively.  You can view them whenever just by going to our Learning Commons Skillshop guide.

Skillshop Spring Line-Up -- F2F or Live Online

The Learning Commons sponsors a series of ten different skillshops each term, and all sessions are offered both F2F and Live Online.  The link for Live Online Skillshops can be found in the Weekly EDGE newsletter or under the Academic Resources tile in MyTCTC.   For those would like to explore a bit on their own, additional "learning how to learn" resources can be found on our Learning Strategies Resource Guide.