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Birds of a Feather: TCTC Learning Commons and Clemson Libraries for Bridge Students: Spaces

Spaces -- TCTC Learning Commons

The architectural feel of the Learning Commons is open, inviting, and collaborative – this is where we learn in common.  It’s a place where we exchange ideas, ask questions, and explore.  The LC is your go-to space.

Collaborative & Tech-Enabled

The LC maintains a technology-rich infrastructure to support your study and learning.  Open-access work stations are available throughout the space, as are printing and scanning services; collaboration rooms enable group study and teamwork; our maker space supports a variety of project tools, including 3D and poster printing; and our instructional classrooms are multifaceted, tech-enhanced environments.  Even our collection of print books is housed in a one-of-kind bookbot – the only robotic book storage facility of its kind in the state. 


The LC's Makerspace adds another dimension to student learning by providing a range of project supports, which might not be otherwise accessible to most students.  These might include…

  • Our large-format poster printer & laminator
  • Our 3-D printers
  • Our tactile learning tools

The LC likewise hosts several workshops each semester design to familiarize students with those resources and other tools for thinking and creating.


Spaces - Clemson Libraries